Consumers globally want to learn where the ingredients come from, and stories around the brands they already buy or consider buying. As perhaps the most important of all current consumer trends, storytelling ties other global consumer trends together. Examples include what companies are doing in the areas of sustainability and plant-based solutions.
“Storytelling and sustainability claims move the dairy category forward,” according to Innova Market Insights.
As an large international nutrition business, at Tirlán we are both proud and keen to bring our product stories to our customers. We have a very relevant product portfolio for satisfying both our business customers’ and consumers’ needs globally. Our ingredient provenance is one of our greatest assets and we are proud to be able to tell the stories behind Tirlán's success. The recently launched Truly Grass Fed brand is a great example of this. Visually and digitally, Tirlán wants to tell the stories we believe in and that we know consumers want to see, hear, feel and touch. Whether browsing for brand provenance details in a supermarket, or sitting at home tasting one of our products while reading about it on the pack, consumers can be satisfied about the stories we tell across multiple channels.

“Brands are becoming more comfortable telling their stories, with 56 percent of global consumers saying that stories around a brand influence their purchase decision. Consumers are interested in how a product is processed and why, but this also makes it so much more accessible for example – not only how it is made but the place in which it is made”, say Innova Market Insights.
Visually and digitally, Tirlán wants to tell the stories we believe in and that we know consumers want to see, hear, feel and touch. Whether browsing for brand provenance details in a supermarket, or sitting at home tasting one of our products while reading about it on the pack, consumers can be satisfied about the stories we tell across multiple channels.