AMF In Ice-cream
Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) is a highly concentrated form of milk fat, containing at least 99.8% pure butterfat. By removing the water and non-fat solids from cream, we produce a versatile, long-lasting ingredient that enhances both the texture and taste of ice cream while providing superior stability.
Manufactured from fresh pasteurised cream, Sweet Cream Anhydrous Milk fat (SC AMF) can be used to fully or partially replace coconut oil in a standard ice-cream while maintaining great taste and functionality.
AMF is the ideal choice for ice cream manufacturers seeking to create rich, indulgent products with an exceptionally smooth texture and authentic dairy flavour.
Manufacturing Challenges

Ice-cream containing SC AMF has an excellent scoopable texture, making it ideal for soft scoop ice cream.

Including SC AMF in the formulation produces ice cream with a natural creamy texture and flavour.

SC AMF can replace coconut oil without impacting overall composition or taste.